Crewsaver PFDs for Kids and Pets

Personal Floatation Devices for Kids and Pets for sale from the Kayaks and Paddles shop or by mail order throughout the UK.

Practical and safe PFDs for Kids and Pets

Crewsaver 100 Newton Lifejacket for Kids

Crewsaver Spiral 100N PFD

The Crewsaver Spiral is a personal flotation device perfect for children who are not yet swimming - for use inshore such as surface watersports and swimming. Available in a range of sizes suitable for young children and junior paddlers.

Floatation Device for Pets

Crewsaver PFDs for Pets

High quality pet buoyancy aid available in a range of sizes to fit your pet. erfect for keeping your pet safe in and on the water whilst accompanying you in your canoe or kayak! Features include a sturdy lifting handle for lifting the animal back into your canoe or kayak!
